Haven't written in absolute ages, sorry about the utter and complete neglect. And really I have no excuse whatsoever, because I am writing this on my brand new partner-in-crime, Hector - a Toshiba laptop...confidant, soul-mate,bosom buddy...Yes, my relationship to an inanimate object may be a little unhealthy, but it's just so lovely being in contact with the "outside world" again. (apropos, do download skype, would be marvelous to talk to you!)
So, an array of odds and ends (in no particular order). What has Kathleen been up to?
- Went to the most fantastic blues bar just off Oxford Street in Soho. "Ain't nothing but the blues"-bar hosts a jam session on Monday nights (incidentally also free!), musicians from all walks of life get together and improvise. The bar is tiny, which means you end up chatting to everyone (and as we all know, I am the "Small-Talk-Queen")...ended up singing and dancing, just great.
- Job interview to work as a Student Ambassador for KCL (£ 8 an hour!), must have gone quite well, as I now am a SA. Problem being, I'm not quite sure what the job description actually entails. I assume I go to fairs in order to represent King's, give Campus tours and presentations and quite simply delude future students about the cost of living in London. ("Oh, living costs? No problem at all. Everyone receives scholarships. And housing is so cheap")
- Joined a gym down the road. Go swimming quite often and have started to enjoy their wacky dance aerobics classes (though, of course, incomparable to Irish dance ;-))
- Auditioned for the King's Players project "Our Country's Good"...very strange audition peace: "Hello Mother Moon", felt like I was playing a ten-year-old, but who knows? "Don't call us, we'll call you."
- Went to a pub at Chalk Hill to listen to a live band. As always we missed the live band and ended up talking to VERY boring Germans, they are everywhere. If you feel as though you must complain about London to me that much, then why are you here?!?
- Watched the Rugby semi-final (the match England won) at the Camden tup - exhilarating atmosphere. Testosterone overload.
- Coffee at the Camden Arts Centre. Yummy rhubarb pie.
- Lots of time spent at the library in gorgeous round reading room. As the reading room is round, I seem to spend more time people-watching than anything else. Probably not the way to success.
- Watched "Atonement" with Khatereh from Iran. Loved the film.
- Voluntary Geography lecture with some famous guy, but SO boring. Free wine bar resulted in very tipsy singing of the best of "The Sound Of Music".
- Ended up with a cold, felt very sorry for myself. A melodramatic hypochondriac. Maybe I ought to invest in a hairdryer.
- Am taking the Associateship of King's College course on ethics. Very interesting. Poverty and Social exclusion,Common Good,Community,Compassion and Solidarity. Lots of nouns there...
- Seminars on European History since 1800: Why do I grovel through 30 pages of incoherent essays, when a 5 line summary is sufficient? Anscheinend lernt man nicht fuer die Schule/die Universitaet, sondern fuer's Leben. Aha.
- I passed my German grammar test. Hooray! Thank God for that. I am now officially a native speaker ;-) A fellow student only passed as near native speaker...a Bavarian!! My Swabian heart rejoiced with glee.
- Tate Modern exhibitions. Finally saw the crack people have been falling into. Hilarious. Google it.
- Shock! Horror!I have a room-mate. Her name's Henel, first-generation Indian, from Lewisham, London. One wonders why she bothered to move out in the first place...she's now living further away from uni, than she did before. Seems very nice though, time will tell. Didn't really want a roomie, so now it's merely Schadensbegrenzung. You're all still very welcome to come stay, of course. Mi Casa Es Su Casa. How corny.
- Best Hot Chocolate Ever at the coffee shop Liz, my floormate, is working at. That beverage is worth an entire entry of its own.
- Comedy Cafe in Angel/Shoreditch (sounds lovely, doesn't it?) Good night out with friends, live music (my favourite thing), and an Elvis impersonator who goes by the name of Dave-Elvis. "Dave-Elvis has left the building."
- Halloween house party on Saturday. Quite truthfully I think it's the first time I've ever really been drunk, quite an embarrassing admission at 20...but the past times I've thought I was drunk, I've merely been tipsy. Note to parents: I promise, I won't keep it up. Dressed up as cartoon character "Salad fingers"...pictures to be found on Picasa. Yes, I am a little on the strange side.
So, to conclude: It's quite easy to get distracted in London ;-)
Unanswered questions...
- Who watches all of the CCTV footage?!? It's scary.
- Where do English bus drivers learn to drive? If the lights are red, don't accelerate and break like a mad-man! Why oh why?
So, am off to bed. Promise to update more regularly. I'll be in Germany in 9 (!) days time.