September 22, 2007


So, from the beginning:

Felt desperately sad on the plane to Stansted, actually felt quite sorry for the businessmen, who had to suffer tears streaming down my face. But have gotten over that phase surprisingly quickly...
Hampstead is very beautiful, a lovely area (if a bit far out). Sadly nothing new on the star sighting agenda. I'm living in Chesney House, which is a 70s building and, to be frank, ugly.

I'm living in a shared room, with an invisible roommate. I really do not have a roommate - das grenzt an ein Wunder!?!?! Keep your fingers crossed that nobody moves in (it's been 4 days now, and enrolment is over) and there will certainly be a free bed/desk/closet/chair/table for you! For some reason I'm living on a floor with only two other undergraduates, the rest are postgraduates. I get along very well with all of them, though it's still early days. I'm surrounded by Italian, French, American, Irish, German (lots of Germans, it's the 2nd invasion!),Austrian and, of course, British students. Oh yes, I forgot the lonely Chilean.

On Wednesday, I braved my way to the Strand (Uni), where I had my most enjoyable queueing experience as of yet. Enrolment took about 4 (!) hours, but I ended up chatting to loads of people on my programme (we're only about 50, so I really was lucky to get in).
Towards the end of that night I discovered the Student Union bar situated right on the Thames, truly a breathtaking view and cheap drinks. What more can you want?

On Thursday I had the brilliant idea of going to a certain Swedish furniture shop without a car. It was miles (kilometres) away. Once there I proceeded to buy cooking utensils and a can opener. A fellow student (who must not be named) bought gaudy pillows, bamboo blinds, gold foil, a desk chair and ivy-shaped Christmas lights. Geschmacksverirrung.
He also payed for the taxi home, so really I shouldn't complain.

Another highlight (?) was the Sainsbury's trip. Indeed, I'm living the dream. ;-)

Took me ages to find the room where my induction meeting was to be held (in the cellar), this was fairly boring, though most of the staff seemed welcoming. European Studies students apparently don't have their own department, as it's an interdisciplinary course. Alas, I will be searching for lectures and seminars in the history, politics, language, law and war studies departments. You know I have no sense of direction.
Spent the next two hours queueing for Fresher's Fair (not quite so pleasant) and signed up for everything (literally).
After that: The tour of our own KCL Maughan Library - just fantastic. Love it. Must take some pictures and post them on Picasa. Had a frustrating few hours of trying to open a bank account (unsuccesful) and lose my temper with some banking half-wit (succesful.)
Went to Brick Lane (East London) for some drinks in the evening, had a bit of a beergarden feel to it. Note to parents: Don't worry, I always carry my flashlight, am never alone and the nightbus service is impeccable.

Today was my "I'm-allowed-to-be-a-tourist-day", had a fun day sight-seeing (all the usual suspects) and taking cheesy photographs. From tomorrow onwards I will gripe,grouse and grump about the bloody tourists - always in the way!

All in all a very eventful few days in London, it can be a bit overwhelming, but that is, I suppose, the excitement of the city. I'm very busy, and so don't have the time to dwell on things. If you like, there are also (very few) photos on my Picasa Web Album.

And despite Micha's last words; I have not forgotten about all of you by Sunday!

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